Brandon Klein Brandon understands that better teams are fundamental to all of our success. As a global thought leader, ushering in the 'Future of Work' revolution, he paves the way using data + design to accelerate the Collaboration Revolution. Brandon is the Co-Founder of the software start-up, Collaboration.Ai and an active member of The Value Web, a non-profit committed to changing the way decisions are made to better impact our world. Nov 30

Models : Overview To Help Set Context

In the “classic, 3-day DesignShop” an hour or so is set aside during the first day for the facilitation team to introduce models about the design process and systems thinking. Typically, Model of the Creative Process, Vantage Points, Creating the Problem, Stages of an Enterprise, and Organizational Strategy are included, along with others as appropriate. (See A Strategic Modeling Language for the 21st Century).

To provide a road map to the design process, and a familiarity to building and using models; to introduce new ideas; and to build a common way of working with certain concepts around team co-design and organizational redesign.

A models lecture can be appropriate in any part of Scan or Focus. This module is usually kept short: an hour or less.

Strengths — Provides a conceptual framework that facilitates discussion; provides tools that we find useful. Weaknesses — A lecture (or sit-’n-get session) is best avoided if possible; participants are often impatient, and it interrupts the flow of design work. When possible, introduce the models in other ways: for example, by incorporating it into team assignments and working with individual teams. Specifications for Success — 1. Keep it short and focused on your purpose. 2. Speak from your experience with the models.

See other Model exercises and examples. 

facilitation, modeling, collaboration exercises

Brandon Klein Brandon understands that better teams are fundamental to all of our success. As a global thought leader, ushering in the 'Future of Work' revolution, he paves the way using data + design to accelerate the Collaboration Revolution. Brandon is the Co-Founder of the software start-up, Collaboration.Ai and an active member of The Value Web, a non-profit committed to changing the way decisions are made to better impact our world.